WASTE GO solves your problems within the Treatment Plant!
Are any of these problems familiar?
- Exceeding design capacity
- Odor control costs skyrocketing
- Insufficient retention time in secondary aeration basins
- Foaming digesters
- Scum layers in anaerobic digesters
- Grease plugs in lines
- Hydraulic overloading
- Seed source needed after digester cleaning
- Grease balls in digesters
In Anaerobic & Aerobic digesters, Waste Go applied directly to the U-Tubes will:
- Eliminates scum blanket, foam and digests grease
- Increases volatile solids reduction
- Improves gas production
- Improves settling characteristics
- Improves mixing
- Controls odors by directly attacking the cause
- Prevents grease buildup in sludge transfer lines
- Stabilizes pH, volatile acids and alkalinity. Digester operating parameters respond by becoming linear and less likely to vary
In Aeration Basins and Clarifiers:
- Provides faster recovery after hydraulic overload (washout)
- Helps overcome toxic stress conditions and regain normal activity
- Provides the most efficient microbes and catalysts to speed up volatile solids digestion
- Eliminates grease build up on freeboard surfaces and grating
The advantages of WASTE GO are clear!
- 100% SAFE to all living organisms – NSF Certified
- Decreases solids removal by reducing 80%+ solids
- Prevents cleanouts and hauling from digesters that have become “dead”
- Almost eliminates FOG’s (fats, oils and grease)
- Produce a better quality sludge
- Economical – A fraction of the cost of mechanical
- Saves on odor control costs
- Saves on labor
- Saves costs on chlorine and eliminates the need for grease solvents and hydrogen peroxide
- Seed your digester and eliminate sludge transport